It's been about 4 months since my last post, so it's about time for a new one. My Legacy Building kitbash is coming along, and the south wall of the building is almost complete.
This has been a good project to work on for 30 minutes here or an hour there. My razor saw has really gotten a workout to this point. This wall was challenging because of how I had to merge wall sections from the two kits together, especially with the way they overlap on the first floor. The left side is the front wall from the Walthers Magnolia Hotel kit with the third floor removed and additional height added to the first-floor storefront. The extra height was necessary so I had enough room to add the basement windows on the right side, which is composed of the two short second-floor walls with arched windows from the DPM Other Corner Cafe kit. The basement windows themselves came from one of the back walls of the cafe.
Still on the to-do list for this wall are blanking out most of the windows, building the main entry door, and finishing the cornice. The latter has had me stumped a bit because I didn't have a great picture of the cornice from the 1970s and it has since been removed from the building so recent pictures don't show it. While looking through old magazines in my collection a couple of weeks ago, I stumbled upon a pretty good picture of the cornice from 1979 in the May-June 1987 issue of Prototype Modeler. Incidentally, I plan on modeling TP&W 700 in this paint scheme.
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